This article is part of a commemorative edition of the twenty years of existence of the Center for Research and Social and Educational Action - Niase, from 2002 to 2022. It aims to present, by means of a bibliographical survey, studies and publications of the group and to highlight the contributions to enhance teaching and learning in the various areas of knowledge regarding the Dialogical Gatherings, an Educational Successful Action (AEE) that consists of the dialogical reading of universal classic works in the areas of literature, art, music, among others. To this end, the work developed by the center throughout this period is highlighted, such as: articles, master's dissertations and doctoral theses involving the theme "Tertúlia Dialógica" and the results of such research in the area of education. For a better understanding, the text also includes the theoretical foundations of the Theory of Dialogical Learning and the seven principles that summarize it, which have as their main bases the ideas of Freire, Flecha and Habermas. The results of the research presented show, from the Dialogical Gathering, improvements in learning in the school context, interaction and more respectful and dialogical coexistence among children, young people, and adults of all ages. In addition, they show the work done by Niase over two decades and how successful educational practices require a theoretical basis and evidence of results in order to develop, remain over the years, and spread to different locations.
How to Cite
Entende-se como autor todo aquele que tenha efetivamente participado da concepção do estudo, do desenvolvimento da parte experimental, da análise e interpretação dos dados e da redação final. Recomenda-se não ultrapassar o número total de quatro autores. Caso a quantidade de autores seja maior do que essa, deve-se informar ao editor responsável o grau de participação de cada um. Em caso de dúvida sobre a compatibilidade entre o número de autores e os resultados apresentados, a Comissão Editorial reserva-se o direito de questionar as participações e de recusar a submissão se assim julgar pertinente.
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