This article shares theoretical-methodological movements in contexts of narrative (auto)biographical research formation woven by the Interinstitutional Group for Polyphony Formation Research. The themes worked on by the group involve initial and continuing teacher education, in their conceptions, practices and policies, and the link with studies in/of/with daily school life, in research-formation lived between school and university, stands out. Revisiting dissertations, monographs, course completion works and theses in progress, we find authors and key concepts that accompany and inspire us in other ways of researching and training in sharing, combining life and teaching. By sharing some discussions and concepts that permeate the group's work, we call on some authors who inspire us and move our reflections; among them, we bring to the dialogue the concept of narrative in Walter Benjamin, the weaving of intrigue in Paul Ricoeur and the evidential paradigm in Carlo Ginzburg. The Benjaminian contributions present in polyphonic research allow an articulation between narratives and everyday life, which are in line with an aesthetic rationality. The ways of understanding the narrative sources are thematized in a dialogue with Ricoeur, in the discussion of narrated time, as a time of the human sciences, in which we see the narrative as something that unfolds within us. Looking at narratives as sources of a sensitive nature, which are composed of subjects who also change, allows us to articulate these with the mimetic circle that opens up to new possibilities and interpretations, understanding narrative research as a field in which there is no a neutrality and, yes, a hermeneutic relationship. And with Ginzburg, we bring notes to think about the signs and traces left in our research, based on possible interpretations in dialogue with the evidential paradigm. We end with a reflection on the authors' contributions in a theme that articulates living, researching, narrating and training.
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