Letters are constituted as a textual genre that establish direct communication with their interlocutors. Therefore, they are narrative texts and can be characterized as research sources, records and documents that show facts and events experienced by the narrator. This text is about the research “Isolate so you can live: narratives in times of pandemic”, resulting from the university extension project entitled “Life and pandemic: narratives in quarantine” developed by the research group Geo(BIO)grafar. This group is linked to the Postgraduate Program in Territorial Studies – PROET/University of the State of Bahia (UNEB). These are written in letters from students and professors who are members of the aforementioned group, whose narratives portray everyday situations experienced in the context of the pandemic caused by Covid-19. The guiding question that mobilized the writing of the letters was: How do the members of Geo(BIO)grafar narrate, through letters, the experiences lived in the Covid-19 pandemic? In order to answer this question, it is aimed to understand, through the interpretive-comprehensive analysis, the episodes about the experiences that make up the narratives through letters of four members (teachers) of the research group Geo(BIO)grafar in isolation /social distancing imposed by the pandemic by Covid-19. In this process of biographization through letters, teachers emphasize the rupture of routine, fears, anxieties, pains and tensions and their consequences in everyday life. They also highlight the coping strategies adopted to outline a new life, study and work routine in the remote context of emergency. The narratives reveal learning, reflections, concerns and lessons about the experience and its reverberations in the “new” everyday life.
How to Cite
Entende-se como autor todo aquele que tenha efetivamente participado da concepção do estudo, do desenvolvimento da parte experimental, da análise e interpretação dos dados e da redação final. Recomenda-se não ultrapassar o número total de quatro autores. Caso a quantidade de autores seja maior do que essa, deve-se informar ao editor responsável o grau de participação de cada um. Em caso de dúvida sobre a compatibilidade entre o número de autores e os resultados apresentados, a Comissão Editorial reserva-se o direito de questionar as participações e de recusar a submissão se assim julgar pertinente.
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