


Since narrative writing has always been accompanying my personal life and professional career. To inventory, and find the letters written by me to different recipients, in different times and formation degrees, in a movement articulated to the writing of the memorial, based in these letters like memory triggering objects, made us realize, I and my advisor, that the letters could be, at the same time objects of research study, and a rich material in the dialogue between the experiences of school daily life and the historicalpolitical-social contexts. The rereading of the letters and the memorial writing process during the first semester of the Professional Master's Degree overflowed with perspectives of continual (self)biographical narrative writing, a dialogue between memories, narratives and instituting experiences. From the theoretical-methodological point of view, the choice for a (self)biographical narrative research, which articulates the three dimensions throughout the journey: data sources, the register and also the way to produce knowledge, has been delineated as a different research form. where the initial-continuous-permanent reflexive movement shifts the emphasis from the materiality of the sources themselves and of the possible results and/or answers, to the (per)formative course of this dissertation. The paths and (mis)paths of this research-formation, the previous script, as well as the deviations, have caused the reflection in/with a re-signified practice and constituent of the teacher-people that when narratingresearching, researching-narrating, create a dialogical movement of reflection, (per)formation and constitution of identity that reveal and affirm or not, a way of being in teaching.

Author Biographies

Juliana Vieira, UNICAMP/UFSCar

Professora da rede pública municipal do município de Campo Limpo Paulista. Mestre em Educação pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp - Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Educação Escolar. Doutoranda em Educação pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar - Programa de Mestrado em Educação da UFSCar-Sorocaba – PPGEd-So.

Inês Ferreira de Souza Bragança, UNICAMP

Pós-Doutora pela PUCRS, Doutora em Ciências da Educação pela Universidade de Évora-Portugal, Mestre em Educação e Pedagoga, pela UFF. Professora da Faculdade de Educação da Unicamp e colaboradora do PPGE em Educação Processos Formativos e Desigualdades Sociais da FFP/UERJ. Coordena o Grupo Interinstitucional de Pesquisaformação Polifonia, vinculado ao Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Educação Continuada (GEPEC/UNICAMP) e ao Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão Vozes da Educação (FFP/UERJ).




How to Cite

Vieira, J., & Ferreira de Souza Bragança, I. . (2020). RESEARCH (AUTO)BIOGRAPHICAL NARRATIVE FORMATION AND LETTER WRITING AS A WAY OF SAYING-BEING. Crítica Educativa, 6(1), 1–17.



Dossiê temático "Democracia Participativa e Educação Cidadã" - Artigos Nacionais